Demolition of the České typografie (Rudé právo) building and special foundation work for the new Florentinum building in Prague, Florenc

Demolition of the České typografie (Rudé právo) building and special foundation work for the new Florentinum building in Prague, Florenc

We implemented complete demolition of all buildings and subsequent special foundation work for the construction of the Florentinum administrative centre in the centre of Prague.
Location: Prague
Notes: This huge demolition job in the centre of Prague was undertaken with minimum impact on traffic on Na Florenci street. The extent of the demolition and the demolition tools used in combination with cranes caught the attention of the media and public.
We undertake demolition using the latest technologies and modern methods, and we can therefore undertake extensive demolition work at frequented locations with minimal restrictions on operations in the surroundings. We are equipped with more than 400 quality construction machines for demolition.
Interested in our demolition work? Contact us.
Take a look at demolition photographs:
Realisation date: 2012