Earthworks Ostrov u Stříbra

Earthworks Ostrov u Stříbra

Execution of earthworks during the construction of Terra hall in the industrial park in Stříbro. The main works were excavations and backfills for the future construction of the hall in a volume of approx. 220,000 m3 of soil. Part of the earthworks included the embankment of the future retention pond, earth mound and the construction of monolithic retaining wall separating the embankment from the access road area with a length of approximately 180 m and a height from 2.5 m to 7.5 m.
Location: Ostrov u Stříbra
We undertake complex earthworks for construction sites, from minor earthworks to complex earthworks and extensive landscaping for the construction of logistics warehouses, industrial zones, projects by developers. We are equipped with more than 400 quality construction machines.
Interested in our earthworks? Contact us.
Realisation date: 2021