References (Page 15)

References (Page 15)

2017 Dismantling of railway bridge in Pilsen – main railway station
Today we started with dismantling of railway bridge in Pilsen – main railway station by using AC 500 telescopis crane.

2017 Dismantling of bridge beams on the highway D1 at Rudná u Prahy
With help of AC 500 telescopis crane we dismantled bridge beams on the highway D1 at Rudná u Prahy and afterwards loaded by crane on the trailer and transported to a designated place.

2017 Transport of a tank from machine-works from Pacov to the Bernard brewery in Humpolec
Transport of a tank from machine-works from Pacov to the Bernard brewery in Humpolec.

2017 Installation of technology at Vaclav Havel airport.
We performet technology installation by mobil crane Liegherr 1100-4.2 at the Václav Havel airport.

2017 Dismantling of the second part of the railway bridge in Pilsen
We dismantled the second part of the railway bridge in Pilsen - the main railway station using the telescopic crane AC 350.

2017 Assembly of steel tank at Pilsen
Autocranes AC 30 and AC 50 have done disassembly and assembly of the steel tank.

2017 Transportation of steel tank from Benešov to Dobříč
Transportation of steel tank from Benešov to Dobříč

2017 Loading of portal crane
We performed loading of portal crane with use of crane AC 100 and it´s transportation.

2017 New production and storage hall Ostrov u Stříbra
Complete earthworks for construction of new production and storage hall in logistic park Ostrov u Stříbra.

2016 Tower blocks demolition Chanov
We made complete demolition works of 2 tower blocks including material recycling. The opening Cremony was attended by the Minister for Regional Development Mrs. Karla Šlechtová and by the Mayor of Most Mr. Jan Paparega.