References in category"References - Construction work" (Page 2)

References in category"References - Construction work" (Page 2)

2013 New cycle track in Pilsen Bozkov
Complete building works for Greenways-cycle track across the bozkov island in Pilsen include transportation and crane works while bridge construction works.

2013 Tabor-Sudomerice railway modernisation
Earthworks for extension of railway Tabor – Sudomerice.

2013 Transit through hub Plzeň
We are executing an earthwork in Prokopova street and earthworks for the new subway in Šumavská street in Pilsen.

2011 Mikulov – Nový Přerov cycle route
We undertook the complete construction of cycle routes including the construction of new culverts in the South Moravia region.

2011 Construction of the R1 Beladice – Tekovske Nemce expressway
We constructed an expressway in the Central Slovakia region. This involved the complete construction of the body of the motorway, earthworks and construction work.

2011 Foundations for horizontal boring machine in Škoda Power s.r.o. 13th fields
We undertook the demolition of the old foundations, earthworks and construction of new foundations for Škoda Power s. r. o.

2011 Construction of new B&BC a.s. concrete works in Zbůch
We undertook earthworks and construction work in the village of Zbůch in the construction of the new B&BC a. s. concrete works. We also undertook the construction of pipelines, roads and hard surfaces.

2011 Reconstruction of Sladkovského x Koterovská tramline
We undertook the demolition of the old tramline, and subsequently implemented the earthworks and construction work for the new line including the supply and assembly of the track system.

2011 Extension of seniors’ home in Nové Strašecí
We realized a complete extension of seniors’ home in Nové Strašecí.

2011 Construction of Hornbach shopping centre site
We undertook earthworks and construction works for Hornbach Pilsen shopping centre. In addition to rough landscaping and earthwork, we also implemented the laying of pipelines and built roads and hard surfaces.