References (Page 21)

References (Page 21)

2015 Transport of trams T28 type from Plzen Škoda Transportation
Transport of trams T28 type from Plzen Škoda Transportation a.s. to city Konye Turkey.

2015 Transportation of tramcar at Škoda Transportation a.s.
Transportation of tramcar at Škoda Transportation a.s.

2015 Transportation of bridge deck to Carlsbad Dalovice.
Transportation of bridge deck to Carlsbad - Dalovice.

2015 Transport of drilling rig to Ostrov u Stribra
Transport of drilling rig to Ostrov u Stribra.

2015 Disassemly and following assembly of railway bridge at Holubov
With use of crane Demag TC 2800 we disassembled old railway bridge weighing 93 tuns.

2015 Installation of concrete bridge crossing
Transport of concrete bridge sections including installation by crane AC 100 at Líně.

2015 Advertising banner for McDonald´s Pilsen
By use of crane AC 100 was exchanged new advertising banner for McDonald´s Pilsen – Roudná.

2015 Zbořený Kostelec pedestrian bridge
We implemented assembly of pedestrian bridge by crane AC 200.

2015 Earthworks on Hornbach Prague - Chuchle
We execute an earthworks for new Horbach in Prague - Chuchle.

2015 Railway track Plasy – Kaznejov
Modifications of the superstructure on the railway Plasy – Kaznejov include carting and bringing in of a new gravel layer.