References(Page 33)

References(Page 33)


2011 Consecration of Nepomucký priest bells

The AC 30 truck-mounted crane was used for the occasion of the consecration of Nepomucký priest bells in Prague at Charles Bridge.

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2011 Disassembly and assembly of gantry crane

We used a number of types of truck-mounted cranes to disassemble and subsequently reassemble Metrans a.s.’s gantry crane. Each crane section was brought using the route Prague– Nýřany.

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2011 Transport of Děčín tank

Using a special semi-trailer, we transported a tank and transferred it onto a boat by crane in Děčín.

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2011 Transport and storage of bridge structure

Using a special semi-trailer and the railways, we transported a bridge structure. Using a crane, the structure was laid on the on the bridge supports.

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2011 Transport of crane girders

The transport of crane girders from Brnoto Cologne. Using a special semi-trailer we transported crane girders on the route Brno - Cologne.

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2011 Foundations for horizontal boring machine in Škoda Power s.r.o. 13th fields

We undertook the demolition of the old foundations, earthworks and construction of new foundations for Škoda Power s. r. o.

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2011 Demolition of concrete apartment blocks in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm

We implemented the demolition of concrete apartment blocks in the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area.

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2011 Demolition of an ice rink in Chomutov

We implemented the demolition of an ice rink in the centre of Chomutov including demolition of back facilities and administrative zones.

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2011 Demolition of Loděnice lime kilns

In the village of Loděnice, we undertook the demolition of lime kiln buildings and machinery. Of note is the height of the demolished buildings.

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2011 Construction of new B&BC a.s. concrete works in Zbůch

We undertook earthworks and construction work in the village of Zbůch in the construction of the new B&BC a. s. concrete works. We also undertook the construction of pipelines, roads and hard surfaces.

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