References (Page 36)

References (Page 36)

2010 Transport of bridge structure
Transport of bridge structure. Using a special semi-trailer, we transported the bridge structure from Brno to Planá u Mariánských Lázní. Oversized cargo height 4.5m, length 44m.

2010 Transport of vessel for coal-fired power station
Transport of oversized cargo for a coal-fired power station. Using a deep semi-trailer, we transferred a vessel of diameter 7.52 m and height 4.35 m on the route Benešov – Mělník.

2010 Demolition of Karlovy Vary hospital
We undertook the demolition of the old hospital buildings in Karlovy Vary.

2010 Demolition of building on Sokolovská str. – site of Kliment meat plant
In Prague, we undertook the complete demolition of the site of Kliment meat plant.

2010 Demolition of the R6 bridge, Staré Sedlo
Using crane equipment, we undertook the demolition of the reinforced concrete R6 bridge in Staré Sedlo.

2010 Intensification of Pilsen Sewage Treatment Plant
We undertook earthworks and construction repair work as part of the intensification of Pilsen Sewage Treatment Plant.

2010 Reconstruction of tramline Pilsen - Slovany
We undertook earthworks and construction work during tramline reconstruction. The BKV panels and track had to be disassembled, the foundation corrected and the panels and track reassembled.

2010 Modernisation of the Votice Benešov railway – Votice tunnel
We implemented earthworks in the Votice tunnel area during the railway modernisation. The bedrock in the rail corridor had to be cut back using special rock cutters.

2009 Placement of press machine at Rokycany
Telescopic crane AC 35 was used to place bed to press machina.

2009 Disassembly of railway bridge at Benešov
With help of telescopic crane AC 350 we disassembler railway bridge.