References (Page 61)

References (Page 61)

2003 Transport of Christmas tree Pilsen 2003
Transport of Christmast tree to the Pilsen Main Square was prepared by use of drop deck trailer and was placed by crane APB-Plzeň.

2003 Transport of mining machine
Transport of mining machina was realized with use of lowboy trailer and flatbad trailer.

2003 Transport of loader
Transport of wheel loader was carried by lowboy trailer on the road Pilsen – Sokolov.

2003 Transport of wooden walkway bridge
Transport of wooden walkway bridge was done with use of flatbed trailer with cargo dimentions 20 x 2,6 x 0,8 m.

2003 Transport of bridge component
Transport of bridge component and following compilation with crane APB-Plzeň. Flatbed trailer transported cargo with dimentions 33 x 4 x 1,5 m.

2003 Transport of dumper
Transport of dumper Komatsu was done with use of lowboy trailer.

2003 Lime-kiln demolition in Stramberk
Demolition of a few buildings in lime-kiln and cement mill in Stramberk.

2003 Bridge demolition in Lahovice
We realized a complete demolition of the bridge in Praha-Lahovice through Vltava river include material disposal.

2003 Building demoliton in Karvina
We realize complete demolition of mine building in Karvina.

2003 CKD Moury demolition
Demolition of CKD Moury area include area‘s redevelopment and material disposal.