Transport of plastic tanks from Přerov to Kolín

Transport of plastic tanks from Přerov to Kolín

The transport of two large tanks from Přerov to Kolín was successfully completed. The tanks, 4.9 metres in diameter and 10.4 metres in length, were loaded onto a train siding in Kolín using a LIEBHERR LTM 1070 crane. After transport to the company's premises, the tanks were moved onto a trailer and then settled at a predetermined unloading point using LIEBHERR LTM 1070 and DEMAG AC30 cranes.
Route: Přerov - Kolín
We have various sizes of crane available and always at your service. We own telescopic truck-mounted cranes and wheeled or tracked truss cranes. We will also take care of permits for crane work, ensuring occupational safety and necessary insurance. Interested in the use of a truck-mounted crane? Contact us.