References (Page 13)

References (Page 13)

2018 Construction of an office complex in Prague's Plzeňská street, near Anděl
Execution of earthworks , deep construction of a building pit for the construction of an office complex in Prague, on Plzeňská street near Anděl. The volume of earthworks is approx. 30,000 m3, including backfilling, shaping of the surrounding terrain towards the tunnel, including the realisation of concrete blinding layer.

2018 Installation of tank at Horažďovice
Installation of tank by using mobile crane AC 100. ... More information

2018 Transportation of tank from Benešov to Horaždovice
Transportation of tank from Benešov to Horaždovice.

2017 Installation of 10 beer tanks in Pilsner Urquell Brewery
Installation of 10 beer tanks in Pilsner Urquell Brewery in diameter 6,5m and weight 23,5t by using AC 500 and AC 200 cranes. ... More information

2017 Transportation of 10 beer tanks to the Pilsner Brewery
Transportation of 10 beer tanks from Burgstad (Germany) to the Pilsner Brewery. Beer tank in diameter 6,5m and weight 23,5t and consequential installation by using mobile cranes AC 500 and AC 200.

2017 Installation of tanks in the Gambrinus brewery in Pilsen.
We installed the tank by using mobile crane AC100, AC35.

2017 Crane work on thirty-story BDE building - V Tower Prague.
Crane work on thirty-story BDE building - V Tower Prague.

2017 Logistics Park Úherce
Complete earthworks for construction of logistics park Úherce.

2017 Transport of tanks from engineering plants from Pacov
Transport of tanks from engineering plants from Pacov. ... More information

2017 Demolition of the building in Pilsen
We completed demolition of building H on a college campus in Pilsen.