References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 15)

References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 15)


2011 Paramo Pardubice – positioning of technologies

Using the AC 350 truck-mounted crane, we implemented the positioning of technologies in the company, Paramo Pardubice.

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2011 Disassembly and assembly of lighting at FC Viktoria Pilsen football stadium

The renovation of FC Viktoria Pilsen football stadium required disassembly and subsequent reassembly, for which we used the AC 200 truck-mounted crane.

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2011 Work on the Church of the Assumption dome in Kozlov

Work on the church dome and subsequent fixing was done with the use of an AC 200 truck-mounted crane.

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2011 Laying Hřensko bridge girders

Construction of a bridge in Hřensko required the transportation of bridge girders and subsequent crane work.

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2011 Positioning transformer station – Stará Boleslav square

With an AC 200 truck-mounted crane, we positioned a transformer station in the square in Stará Boleslav.

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2011 Consecration of Nepomucký priest bells

The AC 30 truck-mounted crane was used for the occasion of the consecration of Nepomucký priest bells in Prague at Charles Bridge.

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2011 Disassembly and assembly of gantry crane

We used a number of types of truck-mounted cranes to disassemble and subsequently reassemble Metrans a.s.’s gantry crane. Each crane section was brought using the route Prague– Nýřany.

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2011 Transport and storage of bridge structure

Using a special semi-trailer and the railways, we transported a bridge structure. Using a crane, the structure was laid on the on the bridge supports.

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2010 Assembly of wind farm

Using a truss crane, we prepared and erected a wind farm Mlýnský vrch – Aš.

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2010 Assembly of bridge over Pilsen bypass

Using a truck-mounted crane, we built a bridge over the Pilsen bypass.

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