References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 11)

References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 11)

2014 Crane work at nuclear power station Temelín.
Transport of oversize load of total weight 129t from Kutná Hora to nuclear power station Temelín and following installation of new backup source by using two cranes AC 200.

2014 Assembly of transmitter structure at Pilsen.
Assembly of transmitter structure at Pilsen by telescopic crane AC 100.

2014 Assembly of concrete beams at Veselí nad Lužnicí.
Assembly of concrete beams at Veselí nad Lužnicí by telescopic crane AC 350.

2014 Assembly of steam pipeline at power station Prunéřov.
We ensured at power station Prunéřov assembly of steam pipeline by truss crane CC 2800.

2014 Assembly of section of the bridge at Ústí nad Orlicí
Truss crane CC 2800 and telescopic crane AC 350 realized assembly of bridge section at Ústí nad Orlicí.

2014 Disassembly of tower crane at Prague.
Disassembly of tower crane at Prague by telescopic crane AC 160.

2014 Assembly of gas tank at Stod
Assembly of gas tank was conducted by crane AC 50 and crane AC 35.

2014 Lifting of the press machine from inside of the hall at Pilsen – Bílá Hora
We realized lift of the press machine from inside of the hall at Pilsen – Bílá Hora by crane AC 200.

2013 Installation of transformer station in Pstruží
By help of crane AC 100 was performed installation of transformer station in city of Pstruží and then followed up we installed in tough conditions another transformer station on the mountain Plešivec 1028 metersabove sea level.

2013 Installation of a giant billboard Bauhaus Pilsen
Installation of giant billboard for Pilsen Bauhaus was implemented by help of telescopic crane AC 100.