References (Page 20)

References (Page 20)

2015 Christmas tree at Pilsen 2015
We loaded up the Christmas tree at Pilsen, Koterovska street by use of crane AC 50 and transported it by use of frame truck to Pilsen main square. Where was placed by crane AC 30.

2015 Residence Palmovka
We provide an excavation of the pit include bottom surface for building of new residence Palmovka.

2015 Advertisement Dobříš
Preparation for film crew. Manipulation with deer by crane AC 40 during filming television advertisement at Dobříš.

2015 Transport and installation of bridge segment at Radejčice
Transport and installation of bridge segment at Radejčice with use of crane AC 350.

2015 Installation for the pedestrian bridge at Cheb
Transport and installation of pedestrian bridge at Cheb.

2015 Railway bridge Dynín
Transport and installation of railway bridge with use of crane AC 200 at Dynín.

2015 Transport of steel tanks
Transport of steel tanks from Benešov to Meziboří near Litvínov.

2015 Port Mělník
We provided transfer of column weighing 210 tons with crane AC 500 into the freight barge.

2015 Pilsen Doosan manipulation with turbine
Manipultion with turbine by crane AC 500 in Pilsen Doosan.