References (Page 29)

References (Page 29)

2012 Mills casing transportation
We transported a mills casing about dimension 8,48 mand weight 119 tons to the Mělník harbor.

2012 Transportation of the bus to London
Transportation of the bus by designer David Černý to London, venue of 15th Olympics. With using of the frame loader we transported unique double-decker bus from work-room of Prague designer before the Czech House in London.

2012 Demolition of the České typografie (Rudé právo) building and special foundation work for the new Florentinum building in Prague, Florenc
We implemented complete demolition of all buildings and subsequent special foundation work for the construction of the Florentinum administrative centre in the centre of Prague.

2012 Ship transportation
With using of the frame loader we transported a ship of size 27 x 5,45 x 4,2 m.

2012 Placing of the historical tank LTP-38 in the courtyard of the Military history museum
Devolution of the historical tank LTP-38 inthe court of the Military history museum was realized with using of the telescopic crane AC100.

2012 Installing of the press into the hall in Dobřany
With using of our cranes AC100 and AC350 we installed the press into the production hall in Dobřany.

2012 Replacing of the historical wagon
We replaced the historical wagon with using of the telescopic crane AC100.

2012 Installation of sluices valve of the dam in Hracholusky
We provided an installation of sluices valve with using of the telescopic crane AC30 and AC35.
Location: the dam of Hracholusky

2012 Installation of the railway bridge in a corridor Plzeň - Cheb
We used the telescopic crane AC350 for installation of the railway bridge in a corridor Plzeň - Cheb.