References in category"References - Selected Projects" (Page 4)

References in category"References - Selected Projects" (Page 4)

2017 Modernization of D1 highway
Within the project of modernization and extension of D1 highway we provide earthworks and soil stabilization.

2017 Dismantling of railway bridge in Pilsen – main railway station
Today we started with dismantling of railway bridge in Pilsen – main railway station by using AC 500 telescopis crane.

2016 Tower blocks demolition Chanov
We made complete demolition works of 2 tower blocks including material recycling. The opening Cremony was attended by the Minister for Regional Development Mrs. Karla Šlechtová and by the Mayor of Most Mr. Jan Paparega.

2016 Administrative building Dynamica Prague
Excavation of building pit, subconcrete concreting for new administrative building Dynamica in the area of Aviatica in Jinonice.

2016 Reconstruction of the National Museum Building
Earthworks in the reconstruction of the historical building of the National Museum in Prague.

2016 Multifunctional building Karlínské Dvory
Special digging under the ceiling and treatment of foundation required by construction of new multifunctional building.

2016 Demolition of warehouse complex in Prague Žižkov
We started complete demolition of warehouse complex, including material recycling.

2016 Logistic park Přehýšov
We realize an earthworks for building of new logistic park named Mountpark close D5 highway, exit 100 Přehýšov.

2015 Transport of trams T28 type from Plzen Škoda Transportation
Transport of trams T28 type from Plzen Škoda Transportation a.s. to city Konye Turkey.