References in category"References - Selected Projects" (Page 5)
References in category"References - Selected Projects" (Page 5)
2012 Mills casing transportation
We transported a mills casing about dimension 8,48 mand weight 119 tons to the Mělník harbor.
2012 Demolition of the České typografie (Rudé právo) building and special foundation work for the new Florentinum building in Prague, Florenc
We implemented complete demolition of all buildings and subsequent special foundation work for the construction of the Florentinum administrative centre in the centre of Prague.
2012 Štěnovice – earthworks for the construction of the Maurice Ward logistics park
We undertook earthworks for the construction of a logistics park in the village of Štěnovice. As well as complete rough landscaping, we implemented the foundation for the hall floor and made roads and hard surfaces.
2011 Mikulov – Nový Přerov cycle route
We undertook the complete construction of cycle routes including the construction of new culverts in the South Moravia region.
2011 Construction of the R1 Beladice – Tekovske Nemce expressway
We constructed an expressway in the Central Slovakia region. This involved the complete construction of the body of the motorway, earthworks and construction work.
2011 Disassembly and assembly of gantry crane
We used a number of types of truck-mounted cranes to disassemble and subsequently reassemble Metrans a.s.’s gantry crane. Each crane section was brought using the route Prague– Nýřany.
2011 Transport of Děčín tank
Using a special semi-trailer, we transported a tank and transferred it onto a boat by crane in Děčín.
2011 Transport of crane girders
The transport of crane girders from Brnoto Cologne. Using a special semi-trailer we transported crane girders on the route Brno - Cologne.
2011 Demolition of concrete apartment blocks in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
We implemented the demolition of concrete apartment blocks in the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area.