References (Page 40)

References (Page 40)

2008 Concrete sumps Monín
Assembly of concrete sumps at Monín we performed with use of crane AC 100.

2008 Convention center Prague AC 200
Installation of technology we implemented by telescopic crane AC 200 in convention center in the midle of Prague.

2008 Assembly of tower crane – APB Plzeň
With use of telescopic crane AC 50 we assembled tower crane for construction of new section of building at areál APB-Plzeň.

2008 Installation of ceiling panels at Dobřany
Concrete ceiling panels was placed with use of telescopic crane AC 100 on top of the building at Dobřany.

2008 Placement of technology of residental building at Chodov
By telescopic crane AC 100 we realized placeing of technology on top of residenta building at Chodov.

2008 Assembly of column at Vřesová by crane AC 350
With help of crane AC 350 we performed assembly of column at Vřesová.

2008 Transport of railway bridge Sokolov
Transport of oversize load, new railway bridge, we performed with use of special trailer on route Ostrava - Sokolov.

2008 Transport of concrete beams
By use of platform trailer and special trailer we transported concrete beams on route Prague – Sušice by size 30 x 0,5 x 1m.

2008 Transport of air technology
With use of lowboy trailer, we transported part o fair technology on route Valašské Meziříčí - Mělník

2008 Transport of rock cutter
With use of special trailer, we transported new rock cutter on route Plzeň - Votice.