References (Page 42)

References (Page 42)

2008 Sokolov – Hexion
In area of Hexion Sokolov company we realize a demolition works, earthworks and redevelopment works include sheeting of shinking shaft.

2008 Nosovice - Hyundai
We realize a complete earthworks, nets, roads and walkways in Hyundai area about 200 hectare in Nosovice.

2007 Cooling tower demolition in Beroun
Complete demolition of cooling tower in area Ceskomoravsky cement in Beroun include material disposal.

2007 Bridge demilition in Stenovice
Bridge demolition in Stenovice were realized partly with using of crane technique and hereafter we demolished the pillars include its foundation.

2007 Demolition of bridge at Štěnovice with crane CC 2800
Demolition of bridge at Štěnovice we done by help of truss crane CC2800.

2007 Chestnut tree replant at center of Liberec
Whooping action was performed with help of our technique at the center of Liberec. We replanted 150 year old tree.

2007 Installation of autoclave
Transport of autoclave and following assembly we perfofmed with use of truss crane TC 2800 and telescopic crane AC 100.

2007 Stadium construction Slávie
Construction of new stadium Slávie was made by use of truss crane CC 2000 and telescopic crane AC 100.

2007 Technology of Pilsen heating plant
Telescopic cranes AC 100 plus AC 350 installed technology at pilsen heating plant.

2007 Assembly staircases
We realized assembly of staircases together with transportation.