References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 7)

References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 7)

2017 Loading of portal crane
We performed loading of portal crane with use of crane AC 100 and it´s transportation.

2016 Assembly of tower crane at Prague, Modřany by our new crane Liebherr LTM 1070
We were able to do assmebly of tower crane at Prague, Modřany with use of crane Liebherr LTM 1070.

2016 Chlumčany transport and placement of tanks
Transport and following placement of tanks at ceramics factory Chlumčany by cranes AC 200 and AC 50.

2016 Placement of concrete pits at Poleň
Transport and placement of concrete pits by crane AC 200.

2016 Plzeň - Rokycanská street bridge renovation
Transport and placement of bridge structure by crane AC 200 and crane AC 350. This is a reconstruction of bridge at Rokycanská street Plzeň.

2016 Tunnel shield Viktorie Pilsen
The tunnel shield Viktorie ended up it´s first phase of tunnel excavation in the section Dýšina – Pilsen.

2016 Prague heating plant installation of technology
Transport and installation of technology by crane AC 350 at Prague heating plant.

2016 Transport and installation of railway bridge at Pilsen.
Transport of bridge structure segments and following installation by crane AC 500 at Těšínská street Pilsen.

2016 Montage and removal of podium for concert AC/DC
Assembly of big podium for concert AC/DC in Prague Letňany was done by cranes AC 100, AC 80 and AC 50.