References(Page 22)

References(Page 22)

2015 Earthworks on Hornbach Prague - Chuchle
We execute an earthworks for new Horbach in Prague - Chuchle.

2015 Railway track Plasy – Kaznejov
Modifications of the superstructure on the railway Plasy – Kaznejov include carting and bringing in of a new gravel layer.

2015 The second phase of construction works of shopping center Chodov
Currently we are finishing extensive demolition of shopping center Růže and continues the second phase of earthworks construction for the new part of shopping center Chodov.

2015 Residential house Prague
Excavation of the pit for residential house in Holeckova Street, Prague.

2015 CTP Prestice
We realize an earthworks, landlevelling include nets, sewage and roads for new production hall in Prestice.

2015 Transport of artwork Arthur´s table in Pilsen Park Lochotin
We transported granite obelisk – pieces of Artur´s table to the park Lochotin in Pilsen.

2015 Prague - installation of air conditioning
Installation of air conditioning by crane AC 350 at Prague.

2015 Transport and construction of art work Arthur´s table at Pilsen in Park Lochotín
We transported yellow obelisk – section of Arthur´s table into Park Lochotin in Pilsen and by use of crane AC 50 was obelisk installed into previously prepared foundations.

2015 Dismantling of bridge at Prague
By use of crawler crane CC2800 we dismantled concrete beam on the bridge at Švehlova steet at Prague.