References (Page 46)

References (Page 46)

2006 Chimney demolition in Pradlo
Chimney demolition in Stock Plzen area in Pradlo.

2006 Chimney demolition in Susice
Demiliton of the brick chimney in area of the sewage clarification plant in Susice.

2006 Bridge demolition in Struznice
Demolition of the bridge through railroad close Ceska Lipa include material disposal.

2006 Brewery Plzen demolition
We realized a demolition of a few building in Brewery Plzen area include material disposal.

2006 Typos Plzen demolition
Partial demolition of former Typos Plzen area we realized during reconstruction of building include internal demolition works.

2006 Bridge demolition in Strechov
Complete demoliton of D1 highways bridges with using crane technique include material disposal.

2006 Diplomat Plzen demoliton
It is demolition of former unfinished Diplomat hotel in Plzen include material disposal.

2006 Lifting platform – building coating
With use of lifting platform Rathmann T370 was performed coating on a building.

2006 Placement of transformer station Beroun
On top of family house was placed transormer station with use of our crane AC 30.

2006 Assembly of tower crane Hradčany
Telescopic crane AC 160 done assembly of tower crane at Prague Hradčany.