References (Page 45)

References (Page 45)

2007 Transport of locomotive frame
By use of frame trailer, we transported frame of locomotive on route Valencie (E) - Cerhovice.

2007 Transport of drilling rig
With use of lowboy trailer, we transported drilling rig on route Germany - Prague.

2007 Snow transporting and spreading for ski race
We realized a transporting and spreading of snow for ski race in Praha.

2007 Excavating of land coffer dam for Angelo hotel
We realized a excavating of land coffer dam for construction of new Angelo hotel.

2007 Plzen – Skoda Power foundation exekute
Demolition and earthworks for a new foundation in Skoda Power area.

2007 Liberec – grown tree replatnting
We made a replanting of a grown tree with using of crane technique to vacate of area for new center Forum Liberec building.

2006 Demolition in Bruntal
It is the demolition of one object in colliery area in Bruntal.

2006 Chimney demolition in Cukrovarska street in Plzen
Complete demolition of the chimney in Cukrovarska street in Plzen.

2006 Boiler-room demolition in Praha
Complete demolition of the boiler-room were executed in Praha.

2006 Bridge demolition in Olbramovice
Complete demoliton of the bridge in Olbramovice include material disposal.