References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 12)

References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 12)

2005 Redevelopment in former CKD area
Demolition works and earthworks were realized during redevelopment works in former CKD area.

2005 Benatky n. Jizerou - dumping ground construction
Complete construction of a new dumping ground box were realized in Benatky nad Jizerou.

2005 Transport of excavated soil in Zisov
Transport of excavated soil from pond in Zisov.

2005 Trade centre Chodov
We realized a excavating of land coffer for single objels of new trade centre in Chodov.

2004 Demoliton and earthworks for OC Karlovy Vary
Demolition and earthworks for trade centre in Karlovy Vary.

2004 Earthworks and soil stabilization for Grupo
We realize an earthworks and soil stabilization form Grupo hall in Trutnov.

2004 Earthworks in Vsechromy
It required a levelling and earthworks for construction in Mountfield area in Vsechromy.

2004 CTP Divisov
The construction in industrial zone in Divisov required an execution of complete levelling and earthworks in soil no. 5 -7.

2003 Earthworks on Zipp Chomutov
We realized a levelling and earthworks for Zipp hall in Chomutov.