References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 7)

References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 7)

2013 Earthworks for apartment block Jubileum House
We realized an earthworks and demolition works for new administrative building Jubileum House in Prague.

2013 Tabor-Sudomerice railway modernisation
Earthworks for extension of railway Tabor – Sudomerice.

2013 Transit through hub Plzeň
We are executing an earthwork in Prokopova street and earthworks for the new subway in Šumavská street in Pilsen.

2012 Štěnovice – earthworks for the construction of the Maurice Ward logistics park
We undertook earthworks for the construction of a logistics park in the village of Štěnovice. As well as complete rough landscaping, we implemented the foundation for the hall floor and made roads and hard surfaces.

2011 Mikulov – Nový Přerov cycle route
We undertook the complete construction of cycle routes including the construction of new culverts in the South Moravia region.

2011 Kaufland SC, Český Krumlov
We undertook complex earthworks and extensive landscaping for a new shopping centre in Český Krumlov.

2011 Remediation of land for Jihočeská plynárenska a.s.
We undertook earthworks and land rehabilitation for Jihočeská plynárenska a.s. Using earth moving equipment, we decontaminated the land and subsequently reshaped it.

2011 Rerouting the I/27 road, Třemošná
We undertook earthworks in the village of Třemošná for rerouting the I/27 road.

2011 Construction of the R1 Beladice – Tekovske Nemce expressway
We constructed an expressway in the Central Slovakia region. This involved the complete construction of the body of the motorway, earthworks and construction work.

2011 Increasing water flow capacity Pivoňka - Poběžovice
We undertook earthworks in the water management sector in the village of Poběžovice. In addition to cutting back greenery, we implemented earthworks and implemented stone flattening and transfer on the river bed.