References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 8)

References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 8)

2011 Construction of new B&BC a.s. concrete works in Zbůch
We undertook earthworks and construction work in the village of Zbůch in the construction of the new B&BC a. s. concrete works. We also undertook the construction of pipelines, roads and hard surfaces.

2011 Reconstruction of Sladkovského x Koterovská tramline
We undertook the demolition of the old tramline, and subsequently implemented the earthworks and construction work for the new line including the supply and assembly of the track system.

2011 Construction of Hornbach shopping centre site
We undertook earthworks and construction works for Hornbach Pilsen shopping centre. In addition to rough landscaping and earthwork, we also implemented the laying of pipelines and built roads and hard surfaces.

2010 Intensification of Pilsen Sewage Treatment Plant
We undertook earthworks and construction repair work as part of the intensification of Pilsen Sewage Treatment Plant.

2010 Reconstruction of tramline Pilsen - Slovany
We undertook earthworks and construction work during tramline reconstruction. The BKV panels and track had to be disassembled, the foundation corrected and the panels and track reassembled.

2010 Modernisation of the Votice Benešov railway – Votice tunnel
We implemented earthworks in the Votice tunnel area during the railway modernisation. The bedrock in the rail corridor had to be cut back using special rock cutters.

2009 Blanka tunnel, Prague
We undertook earthworks in an enclosed tunnel body in the construction of the Blanka tunnel in Prague.

2009 Foundation for welded rotors
We undertook demolition of old foundations and subsequent earthworks and the construction of new foundations for welded rotors inside a factory in Pilsen.

2009 Circle apartment block – 1st phase
We dug deep lagged foundation trenches in the centre of Pilsen for the construction of the Circle apartment block.

2009 Wind farm – Mlýnský vrch 1
We undertook earthworks and ground preparation for the construction of 4 wind turbines including their foundations in the village of Krásná u Aše.