References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 9)

References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 9)

2008 Sugar rafinery in Hrochuv Tynec
We realize a complete demoliton of sugar rafinery in Hrochuv Tynec include removing of all underground constructions and area levelling. Next we made a redevelopment of this area.

2008 Prologis Park in Stenovice
Earthworks, levelling, nets and roads were required a construction of new area Prologis in Stenovice.

2008 Bridge demoliton in Stenovice
We realize a disposal of material, bridge footers demolition in river-basin and next sheeting for a new pillars excavating while we made demolition of the brige in Stenovice.

2008 Earthworks in area Hopi in Modletice
Earthworks, levelling and base for floor were realized for new construction of Hopi area in Modletice.

2008 Sokolov – Hexion
In area of Hexion Sokolov company we realize a demolition works, earthworks and redevelopment works include sheeting of shinking shaft.

2008 Nosovice - Hyundai
We realize a complete earthworks, nets, roads and walkways in Hyundai area about 200 hectare in Nosovice.

2007 Snow transporting and spreading for ski race
We realized a transporting and spreading of snow for ski race in Praha.

2007 Excavating of land coffer dam for Angelo hotel
We realized a excavating of land coffer dam for construction of new Angelo hotel.

2007 Plzen – Skoda Power foundation exekute
Demolition and earthworks for a new foundation in Skoda Power area.

2007 Liberec – grown tree replatnting
We made a replanting of a grown tree with using of crane technique to vacate of area for new center Forum Liberec building.