References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 2)

References in category"References - earthworks" (Page 2)

2020 Bor u Tachova
Bor u Tachova – this is an extension of the existing hall B12. The works include the removal of topsoil, the execution of excavations and embankments according to the project documentation of the HTÚ.

2020 Pilsen City Ring, Plaská street
Execution of groundworks for the construction of the Pilsen City Ring.

2020 Earthworks for the construction of UniMeC - Phase II. - Pilsen
Earthworks for UniMeC construction - Phase II.

2019 Lipno
Excavation and shoring of foundation pit by gradual excavation during the construction of “Apartments” within the project Lipno MOLO in the village Lipno nad Vltavou.

2019 Cerhovice
Earthworks, complete earthworks for new hall in Cerhovice including construction of retention pond and new roundabout with connection to local infrastructure. ... More information

2019 Strojírny Cheb area
Ground works in the area of Strojírny Cheb ... More information

2019 New hall at Bor u Tachova
Complete realisation of groundworks for extention of B6 hall and realisation of paved areas for cars and trucks including utilities in logistic park CTP Bor u Tachova.

2018 D1 - The new hall
Complete earthworks for construction of a new hall in the logistics park D1 - Ostředek

2018 New production and storage hall Ostrov u Stříbra
Complete earthworks for construction of new production and storage hall in logistic park Ostrov u Stříbra.

2018 2nd phase of D1 motorway modernization
Within the 2nd phase of D1 motorway modernization and extension we provide earthworks, soil stabilization, including the laying down of drainages, gutters, sewerage and preparation of the gravel layer.