References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 21)

References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 21)

2006 Tower crane Kavčí hory
By crane AC 200 we performed assembly of tower crane at Kavčí Hory.

2006 Railway transformer station Řehlovice
Relocation of transformer station was done by two telescopic cranes AC 100.

2006 Assembly of bridge TC 2800
We implemented a complete crane work together with transportation of concreate girders.

2006 Assembly of concrete girders Chotoviny
Assembly of concrete bridge girders we performed with use of telescopic crane AC 350.

2006 Lining up chimney at Lovosice
Telescopic crane AC 350 was used to lining up chimney at power plant Lovosice.

2006 Installation of walkway at Barandov
Installation of walkway we implemented with use of telescopic crane AC 100 and AC 350.

2006 Assembly of steel bridge Hostinné TC 2800-1
To assembler steel bridge we used trus crane TC 2800 - 1 and telescopic crane AC 200 and AC 350.

2006 Wind turbine Žipotín
With help of our special trailers we transported components of wind turbine. To assemble it we used our telescopic cranes AC 100 and AC 350.

2006 Ice stadium Domažlice
For construction of ice staduim at Domažlice we used help of our crane AC 100.

2006 Assembly of walkway Litice
We executed complete crane work together with transport of walkway.