References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 23)

References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 23)


2005 Engineering Blatná

Engineering Blatná – loading and transport of hopper. We did a complete crane work including transportation of  the hopper.

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2005 Assembly of line Chanovice

Assembly of line for wood processing we implemented by telescopic crane AC 50.

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2005 Hall Hořovice AC 30

We implemented complete crane work together with transport of technology at Hořovice.

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2005 Assembly of tower crane Prague Chodov

Tower crane at the Prague Chodov we assembler with use of crane AC 200.

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2005 Assembly of pillar casing for bridge Valík

Assemble of pillar casing for bridge we performed with use of crane AC 30.

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2004 Removal of old towers on the church at Valeč

The removal of old towers from church at Valeč we performed by telescopic crane AC 160.

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2004 Assembly of technology at Vřesová

Assembly of technology at Vřesová was done by telescopic cranes AC 100 and AC 350.

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2004 Construction of a new hall Chanovice

Haas Fertigbau – construction of new manufacturing hall.

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2003 Demolition of bridge at Lahovice

With telescopic cranes AC 350 and AC 200 we implemented bridge demolition at Lahovice.

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