References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 22)

References in category"References - truck-mounted cranes" (Page 22)


2006 Assembly of bridge Střechov TC2800

Assembly of bridge concrete beams on the highway D1 we implemented with use of our technique.

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2005 Wind turbine Petrovice

With help of our special trailers we were able to transport components of wind turbine. To construct it we used our truss crane CC 2000 and telescopic crane AC 100.

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2005 Wind turbine Břasy

We used truss crane CC 2000 and telescopic crane AC 10 to construct wind turbine.

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2005 Demolition of bridge on D1

Demolition of concrate bridge on the road D1 with use of telescopic cranes AC 200  plus AC 350.

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2005 Installation of transformer station

Installation of transformer station was made by telescopic cranes AC 50 and AC 100.

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2005 Insallation of gas tanks

Installation of gas technology we implemented by telescopic crane AC 50 +  AC 200.

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2005 Construction of new building Prague

Construction of new office building was done by use of two cranes AC 100.

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2005 Unloading of tracks Pilsen

With use of telescopic crane we unloaded track lengths.

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2005 Assembly of bridge Telč (Vodňany)

With telescopic crane we mounted girders of bridge at Vodňany.

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2005 Installation and transport of tank Kopidlno

By crane AC 350 we have done a complete crane work including transport of the tank.

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