References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 12)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 12)

2007 Transport of brewery tanks
Transport of brewery tanks for Pilsen Urquell. We used frame trailer and lowboy trailer to transport oversize load on route Lovosice – Pilsen in lenght of 12m and diameter of 6,3m.

2007 Transport of locomotive frame
By use of frame trailer, we transported frame of locomotive on route Valencie (E) - Cerhovice.

2007 Transport of drilling rig
With use of lowboy trailer, we transported drilling rig on route Germany - Prague.

2006 Transport of Christmas tree – Prague 2006
Christmas tree to the Old Town Square we transported by frame trailer on the road Jánské Spa - Prague.

2006 Transport of cinematrain to Dobřany
With a specil trailer we transported cinematrain to festival „Filmák“ at Dobřany 2006, dimentions of the transported cargo 24 x 2,6 x 3,7 on the road Plzeň – Dobřany.

2006 Pavlov wind turbine
Transport of wind turbine. With use of special trailer, we transported parts of new wind turbine Pavlov.

2006 Transport of loader Prague - Bubovice
Transport of wheel loader. With use of frame trailer, we transported cargo of dimentions 10,5 x 3 x 3,8 on the road Prague - Bubovice.

2006 Transport of grinder Pňovany - Těškov
With use of special trailer, we transported grinder on route Pňovany - Těškov.

2006 Wind turbine Rusová
Transport of wind turbine to Rusová. With use of our technique, we transported parts of wind turbine with help of special trailer.

2006 Transport of railway bridge Čepí - Hostinné
Transport of railway bridge Čepí – Hostinné. With use of platform trailer and frame trailer we transported bridge with dimentions 35 x 4,5 x 2m.