References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 7)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 7)

2015 Transport of artwork Arthur´s table in Pilsen Park Lochotin
We transported granite obelisk – pieces of Artur´s table to the park Lochotin in Pilsen.

2014 Transportation of pedestrian bridge from Dublovice to Beroun
Transportation of pedestrian bridge from Dublovice to Beroun.

2014 Transport of tunnel shield pieces to Dysina
Transport of tunnel shield pieces to Dysina.

2014 Transport of subway train
We transported skeleton of subway train by frame trailer Goldhofer EURO 64 -04.

2014 Transport and unloading of sewer tank in Pilsen.
Transport and following uloading of two sewer tanks by using mobile crane AC 100 in Pilsen.

2014 Transport of transmitter structure at Pilsen.
Transport of transmitter structure at Sylván in Pilsen.