References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 10)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 10)

2009 Transport of wind turbines
Transport and construction of wind turbines. Using our technology, we prepared and erected wind turbines in Horní Částkov.

2009 Transport of steel vessels
Transport of steel vessels of diameter 5.8 m and length 9 m. Using frame semi-trailers, we transported the steel vessels on the route Mlékosrby – Stráž pod Ralskem.

2008 Transport of railway bridge Sokolov
Transport of oversize load, new railway bridge, we performed with use of special trailer on route Ostrava - Sokolov.

2008 Transport of concrete beams
By use of platform trailer and special trailer we transported concrete beams on route Prague – Sušice by size 30 x 0,5 x 1m.

2008 Transport of air technology
With use of lowboy trailer, we transported part o fair technology on route Valašské Meziříčí - Mělník

2008 Transport of rock cutter
With use of special trailer, we transported new rock cutter on route Plzeň - Votice.

2008 Transport of beams Chomutov
With use of low deck trailer and specila trailer we transported concrete beams of size 30 x 2,5 x 1m on route Litice nad Orlicí – Chomutov.

2008 Transport of bridge to Jenišov
With use of platform trailer, we transported concrete parts of bridge on route Praha - Jenišov.

2008 Transport of tram Porsche
Transport of new tram. With use of special trailer, we transported new type of tram on route Plzeň - Praha.

2008 Transport of wind turbine Pchery
Transport of parts of wind turbine on route Poland – Pchery. With use of special trailer, we transported parts of wind turbine Pchery.