References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 9)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 9)

2010 Bridge transport
Transport of oversized cargo on the route Čepí –Karlovy Vary. Using a semi-trailer and crane, we transported the bridge to the historic centre of Karlovy Vary

2010 Transport of nuclear power station parts
Transport of nuclear power station parts on the route Pilsen – Lovosice – Olkiluoto. Using a deep semi-trailer, we transported nuclear power station parts from Škoda JS.

2010 Transport of mill parts
Carriage of mill parts, Uničov – Mělník. Using a special semi-trailer, we transported mill parts from Uničov to Mělník. Length of oversized cargo 18 m, diameter 4.6 m.

2010 Transport of catalysers
Transport of catalysers, Benešov - Stráž pod Ralskem. Using a frame semi-trailer, we transported catalysers from Benešov to Stráž pod Ralskem. Length of oversized cargo 11 m, diameter 5.4 m

2010 Transport of footbridge steel section
Transport of footbridge steel section to Pilsen. Using a special semi-trailer, we transferred the bridge structure from Prague to Pilsen. Width of oversized cargo 5.2m, length 42m.

2010 Transport of bridge structure
Transport of bridge structure. Using a special semi-trailer, we transported the bridge structure from Brno to Planá u Mariánských Lázní. Oversized cargo height 4.5m, length 44m.

2010 Transport of vessel for coal-fired power station
Transport of oversized cargo for a coal-fired power station. Using a deep semi-trailer, we transferred a vessel of diameter 7.52 m and height 4.35 m on the route Benešov – Mělník.

2009 Transport of new tram
With use of special trailer Goldhofer STZ L6, we transported new type of tram on route Plzeň - Praha.

2009 Transport of boiler to Chomutov
With use of special trailer, we transported part of boiler on route Praha - Chomutov.

2009 Transport of water turbine Praha - Trója
Transport of water turbine for new hydroelectric plant at Prague, Trója, was performed
by help of special truck.