References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 8)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 8)

2014 Transport of tank from Moravské Bránice
Transport of the tank with lenght of 78 m, diameter 4,25m from Moravské Bránice.

2013 we transported a mill‘s casing about weight 144 tons to the Lovosice harbor
We transported a mill’s casing about weight 144 tons from Přerov to Lovosice. Oversized cargo of diameter 8,8 m were transported on special leader STZ THP 16 (no. of axis: 16).

2012 Mills casing transportation
We transported a mills casing about dimension 8,48 mand weight 119 tons to the Mělník harbor.

2012 Transportation of the bus to London
Transportation of the bus by designer David Černý to London, venue of 15th Olympics. With using of the frame loader we transported unique double-decker bus from work-room of Prague designer before the Czech House in London.

2012 Ship transportation
With using of the frame loader we transported a ship of size 27 x 5,45 x 4,2 m.

2011 Loading, unloading and positioning of turbines
We used our truck-mounted cranes for the loading, unloading and positioning of turbines in the Benešov – Velký Osek area.

2011 Transport of Děčín tank
Using a special semi-trailer, we transported a tank and transferred it onto a boat by crane in Děčín.

2011 Transport of crane girders
The transport of crane girders from Brnoto Cologne. Using a special semi-trailer we transported crane girders on the route Brno - Cologne.

2011 Transport of Shermantank from Vilseck to Pilsen zoo
Carriage of tank to Pilsen zoological gardens. Using a lowered semi-trailer (Jumbo) we transported a tank of dimensions 6.0 x 2.75 x 3.35m.

2010 Transport of technologies in Kralupy nad Vltavou
Transport of technologies in Kralupy nad Vltavou. Using a flatbed semi-trailer, we transported the oversized cargo in Kralupy nad Vltavou.