References in category"References - demolition" (Page 3)

References in category"References - demolition" (Page 3)

2018 Demolition of block of flats at Bečov
Demolition of block of flats including material recyclation at Bečov.

2018 Demolition of cooling towers in Litvínov
Demolition of 2 concrete cooling towers including technology in Litvínov and afterwards backfill of underground floors.

2018 Demolition of the bridge on D1 highway near Třemošnice.
Demolition of the bridge on D1 highway near Třemošnice.

2017 Demolition of the building in Pilsen
We completed demolition of building H on a college campus in Pilsen.

2017 Demolition of the bridge on D1 highway near Třemošnice.
Demolition of the bridge on D1 highway near Třemošnice.

2017 Demolition of two bridge overpasses Exit 37 and Exit 41 on the highway D1
We finished complete demolition of Exit 37 and Exit 41 bridge overpasses on the D1 highway as a part of D1 highway modernization, including material recycling and disposal.

2016 Tower blocks demolition Chanov
We made complete demolition works of 2 tower blocks including material recycling. The opening Cremony was attended by the Minister for Regional Development Mrs. Karla Šlechtová and by the Mayor of Most Mr. Jan Paparega.

2016 Demolition Dýšiná
Demolition of obsolete building in the IPPE complex in Dýšiná.

2016 Demolition of warehouse complex in Prague Žižkov
We started complete demolition of warehouse complex, including material recycling.

2015 Demolition of shopping center Růže
Demolition of shopping center Růže takes place in close proximity to shopping center Chodov and parking place Protěž. It goes about demolition works on outdated complex shopping center Růže, which will be soon replaced by the new part of shopping center Chodov.