References in category"References - demolition"

References in category"References - demolition"

2024 Demolition of the former Agrobanka building in Pilsen
Demolition of the former Agrobanka building in Pilsen

2024 Demolition of the main building of Carimex in Pilsen
The demolition of the seven-storey torso of the former Carimex car dealership, known as the "Glass Hell", represents a significant step in the transformation of the urban space in Pilsen

2023 Demolition of administrative buildings in a 19th century industrial premise
Demolition of administrative buildings

2023 Demolition of buildings in the industrial zone CPI Park Mlýnec
Demolition of buildings in the industrial zone CPI Park Mlýnec

2023 Demolition of administrative and production buildings in Ostrov
Demolition of administrative and production buildings in Ostrov

2022 Demolition of administrative and warehouse building in Prague
Demolition of administrative and warehouse building in Prague

2021 Demolition of rundown bridge near village Chotíkov
Demolition of rundown bridge near village Chotíkov, which has not served its purpose for many years.

2021 Demolition of the bridge on the D11 near the village of Mochov
Demolition of the bridge on the D11 near the village of Mochov