References in category"References - demolition" (Page 5)

References in category"References - demolition" (Page 5)

2012 Demolition of the České typografie (Rudé právo) building and special foundation work for the new Florentinum building in Prague, Florenc
We implemented complete demolition of all buildings and subsequent special foundation work for the construction of the Florentinum administrative centre in the centre of Prague.

2012 Demolition of Techmánia science center
We undertook the demolition of the former ‘Škoda canteen’, a listed building + demolition and demolition by hand of the current museum building in Pilsen

2011 Foundations for horizontal boring machine in Škoda Power s.r.o. 13th fields
We undertook the demolition of the old foundations, earthworks and construction of new foundations for Škoda Power s. r. o.

2011 Demolition of concrete apartment blocks in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
We implemented the demolition of concrete apartment blocks in the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area.

2011 Demolition of an ice rink in Chomutov
We implemented the demolition of an ice rink in the centre of Chomutov including demolition of back facilities and administrative zones.

2011 Demolition of Loděnice lime kilns
In the village of Loděnice, we undertook the demolition of lime kiln buildings and machinery. Of note is the height of the demolished buildings.

2010 Demolition of Karlovy Vary hospital
We undertook the demolition of the old hospital buildings in Karlovy Vary.

2010 Demolition of building on Sokolovská str. – site of Kliment meat plant
In Prague, we undertook the complete demolition of the site of Kliment meat plant.

2010 Demolition of the R6 bridge, Staré Sedlo
Using crane equipment, we undertook the demolition of the reinforced concrete R6 bridge in Staré Sedlo.