References in category"References - demolition" (Page 9)
References in category"References - demolition" (Page 9)
2004 Colliery area demolition in Karvina
We realize a demolition of all objects in colliery area in Karvina.
2004 Pradlo object demolition in Ostrava
Complete demolition of Pradlo object in Ostrava-Privoz include material disposal.
2004 Chimney demolition in Mlada Boleslav
Demolition of the reinforced chimney with using crane technique in Mlada Boleslav.
2004 Apartment house demolition in Plzen
Demolition of the apartment house in Plzen in Farský street include material disposal.
2004 Airport demolition in Zatec
Complete demolition of all buildings of former airport in Zatec include the rundy, include material recycling and disposal.
2003 Lime-kiln demolition in Stramberk
Demolition of a few buildings in lime-kiln and cement mill in Stramberk.
2003 Bridge demolition in Lahovice
We realized a complete demolition of the bridge in Praha-Lahovice through Vltava river include material disposal.
2003 Building demoliton in Karvina
We realize complete demolition of mine building in Karvina.
2003 CKD Moury demolition
Demolition of CKD Moury area include area‘s redevelopment and material disposal.
2002 Chimney demolition in Plzen
Demolition of boiler plant and chimney in area of Plzenska teplarenska.