References in category"References - demolition" (Page 8)

References in category"References - demolition" (Page 8)

2006 Brewery Plzen demolition
We realized a demolition of a few building in Brewery Plzen area include material disposal.

2006 Typos Plzen demolition
Partial demolition of former Typos Plzen area we realized during reconstruction of building include internal demolition works.

2006 Bridge demolition in Strechov
Complete demoliton of D1 highways bridges with using crane technique include material disposal.

2006 Diplomat Plzen demoliton
It is demolition of former unfinished Diplomat hotel in Plzen include material disposal.

2005 Bridge demolition in Plzen
Complete demolition of the bridge close to Saint John include partly demolition of the bridge’s pillars.

2005 Dairy demolition in Holesovice.
Demolition of all objects in dairy area in Praha town district Holesovice include an underground parts of buildings and include material disposal.

2005 Demolition in area of Prefa Prestice
Complete demolition of former area Prefa Prestice include all of underground parts and include material disposal.

2004 Demolition of Crown Yard in Praha
Complete demolition of buildings of former brewery on Crown Yard in Praha include underground parts of these buildings and the material disposal.

2004 Bottle factory demolition in Praha
Complete demolition of building F in bottle factory area of former brewery were realized in Praha-Holesovice.

2004 Pillar demolition in Vrane nad Vltavou
Demolition of the pillar situated under water were realized from the ship.