References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 2)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 2)

2021 Transportation of historical military equipment to the 2021 Freedom Celebration
Transportation of military historical equipment ... More information

2021 Transport of boilers from Germany to Slovakia
Transport of boilers from Germany to Slovakia

2021 Transportation of concrete beams and their assembly
Transportation of concrete beams from Nový Bydžov and their subsequent installation by using an AC350 crane.

2020 Christmas tree 2020 for Pilsen
In Kařez, we used an AC 200 mobile crane to load 15m high Christmas White Fir

2020 Transport of beer tanks
Transport of 10 beer tanks from Bürgstadt, Germany to Pilsen brewery. Beer tank with a diameter of 6.5 m and a length of 23 m, weight 28.7 t.

2020 Transport of steel weldment
We transported a steel weldment from Pilsen using our low loader

2020 Transport of steel tanks to Holýšov
We transported steel tanks from Benešov using frame low loaders

2020 Transport of steel tanks
We transported a steel tank from Benešov using a frame low loader.

2019 Transport of tamping machine
We transported tamping machine and by using two AC 100 cranes installed the machine on the rails.