References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 4)

References in category"References - transport and carriage" (Page 4)

2019 Transportation and installation of technology
Transportation of technology to the Technical Inspection Station and consequential installation by using mobile crane AC 50.

2018 Transport of 4 boilers
We have transported four boilers with a weight of 109 tons to ČEZ - Trmice heating plant.

2018 Steel beams - parts of the bridge Dublovice and Nový Knín - Pilsen
Transportation of steel beams - parts of the bridge from Dublovice and Nový Knín to Pilsenn and consequential installation by using AC 500.

2018 Transportation of tower crane in Pilsen
Transportation of tower crane in Pilsen. ... More information

2018 Transportation of two castings to ŠKODA JS Works
Transportation of two castings to ŠKODA JS Works.

2018 Transportation of steel beams to the Pilsen Main Railway Station
Transportation of steel beams to the Pilsen Main Railway Station and their consequential installation by using mobile crane AC 350.

2018 Transport of trams 18T type from Plzen Škoda Transportation to Turkey
Transport of trams 18T type from Plzen Škoda Transportation a.s. to Turkey.

2018 Transportation of tank from Benešov to Horaždovice
Transportation of tank from Benešov to Horaždovice.